Articles | Volume 89, issue 1
Teaching concept
20 May 2021
Teaching concept |  | 20 May 2021

Lehrentwurf: Die MOSAiC-Expedition und das Gradnetz der Erde – Wie können Lehrkräfte als Expeditionsteilnehmer die Polarforschung in die Klassenräume bringen?

Rainer Lehmann and Friederike Krüger


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Short summary
Science communication is an important tool to implement current research into schools. One way of directly involving educators is the attendance in polar expeditions. Four educators were able to participate in the MOSAiC expedition in 2019 (Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate). Important results include the publication of teaching materials for schools. Here an example of the earth's grid of parallels and meridians is shown, which can be used directly in class.