Articles | Volume 91
Report for the polar community
02 Jan 2023
Report for the polar community |  | 02 Jan 2023

Conference review: On melting ground. Arctic Archaeology

Sara Ingrid Brenøe

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Cited articles

Hodder, I.: Where Are We Heading?: The Evolution of Humans and Things, Yale University Press, New Haven, United States, ISBN 9780300204094, 2018. 
Jackson, G. and Smith, C.: Living and learning on Aboriginal lands: decolonising archaeology in practice, in: Indigenous Archaeologies: Decolonising Theory and Practice, edited by: Smith, C. and Wobst, M., Routledge, 309–330,, 2005.  
Latour, B.: Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory, Oxford University Press, ISBN 9780199256044, 2005. 
smac archive: 20–22 October 2021: Conference “On melting ground. Arctic Archaeology”,, last access: 1 December 2021. 
Short summary
A conference was organised to prepare for an exhibition raising awareness of climate change, its consequences in the Arctic, and how much cultural heritage will be lost unless people start to act. An important issue debated was how to present Arctic people. It was argued that the balance between presenting Arctic people as resilient and stressing the current climate situation's seriousness and the big changes it brings to the ways of life and loss of heritage should be central to the exhibition.